Wand of Fortune Portable – Lagi GET!

Nothing like a little romance for Christmas… A little romance. Most of your relationships in Wand of Fortune Portable are more like friendships, and the game ends when the real romance is about to begin. I liked all the guys on offer, but my first playthrough took so long and was so tedious that I have […]

Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together (3)

Finally finished what is apparently the “Law” route. I had a bad feeling! This is not the way! I started out liking Tactics Ogre, but now I’m just glad it’s over. By the end of the game everything was tedious beyond belief. I finally got a few challenging story battles where I was supposed to […]

Tokimeki Memorial 4 – Yanagi GET!

Is this what they mean by “Too little, too late?” I finally got Fumiko Yanagi and I’m very happy about it, but after goodness knows how many playthroughs, Tokimeki Memorial 4 is stale beyond belief. Yanagi herself is very sweet and friendly from the start, no defrosting ice queens here. The downside of that is that […]