Picross Records of the Shield Hero, Murder by Numbers, Balatro and other puzzle adventures

So last time I said I was playing Tokimeki Memorial Girls’ Side 4 and I wasn’t sure it was for me. I kept at it, though, and slowly managed to get quite into it again. I was rooting for them like a Grandma watching over her grandkids… which is pretty accurate beecause they’re young enough […]

Ranshima Monogatari Lairland Story – How to get the true ending (spoiler free)

Some years ago… wait, how many years is that?! So, uh, many many years ago I played an obscure Princess Maker-like game called Ranshima Monogatari Lairland Story on the PSP. I played it and played it, got a number of endings and had a great time in general, but I never did get the “true” […]

What I’m playing lately (September 2024)

Just realized it’s been almost two months since my last post. Just a few notes so you know I’m alive and still gaming. Quite actively, actually, but nothing really worth writing about. Xenoblade Chronicles 3 – Definitively dropped. I tried to get back into it. Loaded it up, moved a little bit and was thrown […]

Magic Chronicle Isekai RPG – Money, money, money, money, money

In case you’re wondering what I’m up to since I dropped Persona 5 Royal, I finished a playthrough of Lair Land Story, tried to get back into Xenoblade Chronicles 3 with limited success (haven’t given up, but the magic is totally gone) and kind of gave up on console games for now. I’ve mainly been […]