Yay, I’m in a good mood today! A little sleepy from staying up till 1am playing Operation Abyss, but in a good mood nonetheless. I adjusted my expectations down a bit and the game improved in other ways and now we’re good friends! I will say, though, that this has strengthened my resolve to play […]
I know that feel
That feel where you’re not enjoying what you’re playing but are too lazy and stubborn to give it up and start something new… Luckily enough, powering through the boring bits of Operation Abyss seems to have worked and I’m slowly starting to enjoy myself. I think the turning point was hitting level 6 and getting […]
Just not feeling Operation Abyss: New Tokyo Legacy
I said I would be busy until early June and I was, but I’ve been relatively free for about a week now. In that time I’ve been trying to get into Operation Abyss: New Tokyo Legacy. Trying, and not exactly failing but not exactly succeeding either. I’m about 6 hours in, finished several missions, beat […]
Hatsukare Renai Debut Sengen – Asahina Kakeru GET!
Nnnn… so sleepy… Let’s make this quick. I reloaded from the Kakeru save I made midway through Kariya’s route and used that to get Kakeru’s happy end. As I’d suspected, meeting him for the after-school chat does make things awkward for a while. Especially since Kakeru doesn’t actually confess. He admits he’s had feelings for […]
Hatsukare Renai Debut Sengen – Kariya-sempai GET!
Or to be precise, Kariya-sempai “happy end” GET! According to the game, anyway. Which suggests there’s a not-so-happy end and maybe even a bad end? Aww, I wanted to see those. This route was too happy happy yay yay, it needed more darkness! The good news is, Kariya did officially ask me out, shortly after […]