It’s not even a dungeon-crawler any more, it’s just another RPG where the characters just can’t shut up. Except your actual party is made up of mutes, so you just stand there while the NPCs pratter and blather. They tell you when to get up, when to go to bed, when to turn left, when […]
Densetsu no Kusuriyasan trial version – Kinda pointless
I feel slightly bad calling someone’s hard work “kinda pointless” but sometimes you have to call a spade a spade. And evidently the developers agreed because they never bothered to release an actual game. A trial version of Densetsu no Kusuriyasan is all that has existed for the past 12 years. Densetsu no Kusuriyasan (でんせつのくすりやさん, […]
Stella Glow review – What an annoying game (massive spoilers)
Finally finished the wretched game known as Stella Glow. I almost dropped it several times along the way, but the SRPG gameplay kept drawing me back. That’s the problem I have with Imageepoch games. With one or two exceptions they are all technically sound, so you end up playing more than you should even when […]
Nayuta no Kiseki – I love happy endings
Finished after 30 hours. The main game takes 25 hours and then the epilogue/after story can take anywhere from 5 minutes to 5 hours depending on whether you want to grind and do side quests or not. The main last boss is around level 34 while the epilogue boss is level 50, but since you […]
Nayuta no Kiseki – Coming up for air
Nayuta no Kiseki is an action RPG from Falcom, a developer I have a slightly-love/mostly-hate relationship with. It’s not that they make bad games – quite the opposite, really – but their stuff usually doesn’t sit right with me. Their turn-based RPGs like the Trails series are tiresome, long-winded affairs and just when they get […]