Epic Seven 2024 update – Made it to Champion V! (plus tips for making your own journey)

In AI arena, of course, not Real-Time Arena. Smilegate actually scared me for a while when they announced a Lionheart Cermia RTA skin, because the two Cermias are some of my favorite characters, but luckily they walked it back shortly afterwards. I like Briar Witch Iseria too, but I don’t use her nearly enough to […]

Games I dropped in 2023

The latest in a series of “games that sucked too much to play” posts I’ve been doing since… 2013? No, 2011. This is where I collect all the games I played too briefly to bother reviewing in depth. There were very few of them in 2023, though, because I didn’t focus much on gaming for […]

Happy New Year 2024! No resolutions this year either!… or wait a minute…

Come to think of it, I should just stop writing (non-)resolution posts altogether and stick to wishing everyone a happy new year. Happy New Year! And a belated Merry Christmas as well. In 2023 I put gaming in the back seat while I focused on getting my financial house in order, so to speak, but […]

Shin Megami Tensei V – 42 hours in, roaming Tokyo till the end of day

I’m quite enjoying Shin Megami Tensei V now, even though I just spent the past 10 hours wandering around Tokyo trying to shut down Ishtar’s devices (doesn’t really spoil anything). The maps are horrendous because you can only climb in very specific spots, so a device might be right there in front of you, but […]