Gakkou wo Tsukurou!! is a 5-game life sim series published by Victor Interactive Software, now part of Marvelous AQL Interactive or whatever it is they call themselves now. The first three games are on the Playstation, the fourth one is on the GBA and the last one came out on the PS2 in 2005. I […]
Real Rode Portable – Somari GET!
Just typing up loose ends in Real Rode Portable. Somari is a character who wasn’t in the original ‘game’ Nina played. He shows up out of nowhere with no memory of his past. What dark, dire secret could he possibly be hiding? I was a little curious so I went ahead and did his route. […]
Real Rode Portable – Alvand and Naoya GET! (spoilers)
Real Rode Portable is an RPG/otome game about an RPG/otome game fan named Nina who gets sucked into her favorite game “Rode”. In that fantasy world she gets to meet and squee over all her favorite bishies while helping them take down the evil demon king threatening the land. The first playthrough takes about 20 […]
Finished Real Rode Portable but…
I’ve been meaning to write about Real Rode Portable for the past couple of days, but then I kept feeling like I was near the end. “Since I’m almost done I’ll just finish up and write a review” I kept thinking, and the days just flew by. Well now I have finished the game and […]
Castlevania Aria of Sorrow + Real Rode Portable
Actually I have all but ditched Aria of Sorrow entirely to focus on Real Rode Portable. I started Castlevania, ran around a bit, killed the first boss, but then I felt like I was missing something. The game lacked a certain feminine touch. The last three or four games I’ve played have all featured female […]