In which I moderately praise Phantasy Star Portable 2 for being a very good game, objectively speaking

It took me 20 hours, but I finished Phantasy Star Portable 2. Take that, stupid Kumhan! You and your stupid Light Attack that killed me 6 times until I realized it was blockable! It’s not just blockable but it’s his weakest attack once you block it. All those wasted attempts. Tch. I was a bit […]

Rune Factory Frontier – Progress Report 3 (finished)

Done, done and done. I met all the Rune Factory Frontier goals I set for myself last time, so here I am for the final round up. 1. Getting married to Iris was a bigger ordeal than I’d thought. First I had to raise both girls to 10 LP. Then they inexplicably fell sick and […]