This is going to take much longer than I thought, because I’ve been super-busy this week and will be even busier next week. Back when I was in college I used to look down on people who complained about being “busy.” I had SO much time on my hands back then, even after climbing five […]
Phantasy Star Portable – Surprisingly fun!
I thought I would have quit by now. I wasn’t expecting to be still playing this game after 5 hours and three story missions, and I certainly didn’t think I’d be enjoying myself. Proof, if any were needed, that I am a seriously poor judge of my own tastes. Phantasy Star Portable is billed as […]
I quit TWEWY
I’m a casual RPG gamer. I can’t deal with all this mindless dashing about, running all over the screen with one hand, using pins to slash and stab enemies with the other hand, controlling your partner on the top screen with your third hand, reaching for a rope to hang yourself with your fourth hand… […]
Games that just didn’t work out
I play a lot of games from start to finish. I play even more from start to whenever-I-get-tired-of-it. However every once in a while (…actually pretty darn often) there’s a game that I try to play only to give up very quickly for one reason or another. I usually don’t even mention them here firstly […]
Half-year resolutions
I forgot to make New Year’s gaming resolutions this January, but better late than never. Last time I made them I managed to play all those games before the year was out, so I’m hoping I’ll have the same luck/leisure this time round. There are only six months left till 2012 (where does the time […]