Games I dropped very quickly in 2019

I know I said there would be no edition of “Games that didn’t work out” for 2019, but right after dropping Fate/Extra, I remembered a few other things I didn’t play much of last year. Fate/Extra (PSP) – It seems to be for fans of the Fate series only. For me, there was too much […]

Suffering from gamer’s block

Gamer’s block is when you have a lot of games on your backlog but you don’t feel like playing any of them. And at the same time, nothing new is attracting you. And yet you don’t want to quit playing games either. Last time I experienced this, I solved it through “No Game November,” which […]

Dropped Chaos Rings III and continued Tokyo Xanadu eX+

Chaos Rings III is a nice, colorful game with a simple story and pleasant characters. I have high hopes that it will be a great game once I get some better Genes and a higher MP cap. Right now, though, I just don’t feel like dealing with the magic restrictions and the resulting slow battles, […]

Merry Christmas + Early thoughts on Tokyo Xanadu eX+

Merry Christmas everyone! It’s a blessing to be able to make it to another Christmas. I’m not taking anything for granted any more these days. Any year I make it through safe and sound and with all my body parts intact is a good year! I spent today pigging out with family like I always […]