Rune Factory 4 is divided into three arcs. Every time you finish one arc, you fight a boss, the credits roll, music plays and you’re deposited back in town to enjoy the love and adulation of your fellow villagers until the next crisis arises. There was clearly unfinished business left at the end of the […]
Rune Factory 4 – Slight progress (and slight spoilers)
I had played almost 14 hours of RF4 last time, now I’m around the 23 hour mark – or more like 30 hours if you take lost progress due to freezes into account. Rune Factory 4 is a slow-moving game so I won’t probably be doing too many updates on it. You’ll just have to […]
Rune Factory 4 -Not fixed but much better
I don’t know how to check play time in Rune Factory 4, but I’ve played a lot more since I last posted about it. About 10, 15 hours more I estimate. It still freezes on me from time to time, but less often that it used to. Freezing issue: I went into the game settings […]
Rune Factory 4 – Randomly f-f-freezing
Before I start, hands up anyone who is sick and tired of hearing about my 3DS hardware troubles. One, two, three… four hundred thousand people. Okay fine, I’ll just whine to myself. ZOMG Self, you won’t believe what the 3DS is doing this time! I worked around the circle pad issue, the Y button seems […]
Nayuta no Kiseki – I love happy endings
Finished after 30 hours. The main game takes 25 hours and then the epilogue/after story can take anywhere from 5 minutes to 5 hours depending on whether you want to grind and do side quests or not. The main last boss is around level 34 while the epilogue boss is level 50, but since you […]