Shin Megami Tensei IV: Apocalypse – Almost finished but ran out of steam (endgame spoilers)

All through the game I was coached to go fight against Krishna and the Divine Powers. So I killed them. Vishnu-Flynn was tough, but manageable. Watching Krishna’s final meltdown was glorious. I was ready to watch my ending sequence and call it a day. Then some dude shows up, “No wait, you have to fight […]

Shin Megami Tensei IV: Apocalypse – Longer than I’d thought (spoilers)

40 hours in. Chapter 4 out of 8 (?). Just finished yet another battle against a certain repeating boss who refuses to stay dead. Eh, I guess I could spoil a little bit. The boss is a giant snake called Shesha, annoying like all repetitive bosses tend to be but luckily not very strong. Actually […]

Shin Megami Tensei IV: Apocalypse – Reads like a kid’s self-insert fanfic

I always have a hard time writing posts about Shin Megami Tensei games. I love them and all, but they all feel the same. Kill or befriend demons, kill or befriend various people, choose Law/Chaos/Neutral, kill boss, end. It’s usually fun, especially the demon-fusing collect-em-all aspect, it’s just not interesting to write about. Current progress […]

Picross e, SMTIV: Apocalypse and other adventures

I took more time off from gaming than I’d planned to, but it’s all good. When you’re not feeling it, you’re not feeling it. After lounging on my sofa watching K-dramas with my sisters for a month, I’m just about ready to get back in the saddle. I realized two things: 1) I love Picross, […]