Atelier Annie – So-so

I’m supposed to be playing Phantasy Star Portable right around now. But I still hadn’t had enough item synthesis after Atelier Elie last week, so I played Atelier Annie instead. This is actually my third or fourth playthrough of Annie. I played it quite thoroughly when it first came out in Japanese, but I didn’t […]

Nora to Toki no Koubou – True Ending

I went back and read over the last post I made about Nora. It wasn’t exactly inaccurate, but I realized I’d done the equivalent of calling a girl “Gorgeous” and then quickly adding, “But her nose is too big, and her teeth are a bit crooked, and her face is kinda spotty, and she smells […]

Lina no Atelier = Fail

[Note, this is not my real opinion of Atelier Lina. This was published before I’d played the game properly, and my final conclusion can be found here, helpfully titled “Lina no Atelier is Awesome!” As for why this post appears out of order, I really don’t want to talk about it.] *sigh* I think Gust […]

Lina no Atelier is awesome!

Yeah, I know I made a post a while back calling Lina no Atelier terrible, but that was long ago when I hadn’t played very far into it. Having played it some more and, in fact finished it 4 times for 4 different endings, I must say it’s far and away the best DS Atelier […]