When I started writing this post on March 6th, I’d reached level 35-ish, around 36 hours sunk in, roaming Lava Ruins B4, where I seemed to be stuck. I wasn’t having too much fun and was even thinking of quitting. Then I decided to play a little more before continuing to blog and here I […]
The Last Story – Testosterone is a helluva drug (spoilers)
Believe it or not, I had no idea what the story was about before I started this game. I didn’t think it would come over, and if it did I wasn’t planning to play it, so I never bothered to find out. I’m glad I didn’t, though. Otherwise I wouldn’t have dreamed of starting The […]
Xenoblade Chronicles – Ending spoilers
Finished. 132 hours and 39 seconds. The ending was cheesier than a mountain of rotten cheddar. I mean, “The Power of Friendship” in this day and age? The last boss was the last boss because he was secretly lonely and just wanted friends? Seriously? Wow. Well, I’ve already written more than enough on my impressions […]
Xenoblade Chronicles – Last break before the end (spoilers)
Woo hoo! Finally reached Agniratha! I say “woo hoo!” because I’ve spent at least 20 hours supposedly trying to get there, but actually exploring as much of the world as I can. I killed my first ‘red’ mobs too, though they were just harmless sardines and flamingos. I tried to take on a level 74 […]
I haven’t gone anywhere
And I don’t have writer’s block or anything funky like that. I’m busy playing Xenoblade Chronicles and Zero no Kiseki, but I haven’t reached anywhere worth writing about. Xenoblade Chroicles: 67-ish hours. Just reached the Fallen Arm and got the ‘final party member’. Do Not Want. I was doing so well raising affinity and mixing […]