Happy New Year! And resolutions for 2014

It’s a little late, but Happy New Year! Now, straight to business. What am I playing this year? Last year’s resolutions were a bit of a disaster. I packed the list with games I’d “always wanted to try,” little realizing that the real reason I’d never actually tried the games I’d “always wanted to try” […]

Kamiyo Gakuen: Makouroku Kurunugia – A terrible rip-off of a terrible rip-off

Not content with merely dreaming up bad ideas, Idea Factory now resorts to stealing them. Far from being shocked or upset, I’m rather pleased to see this side of Idea Factory. Up till now I’d heard the tales of their horribleness, but I’d never personally experienced it for myself. The games I played were either […]

Disgaea: Hour of Darkness – Why can’t I bring myself to like this game?!

It’s worse than not liking Disgaea: I can’t even bring myself to play it. Three times I have tried to play this game, and three times I have gone down in defeat. The first two times I barely made it past the hour mark. This time I gave it “the mother of all college tries” […]