Updates on all the games and non-games I’m busy with

Just because I’m not blogging doesn’t mean I’m not gaming. It just means I’m not playing anything worth blogging about. In this case, it looks the “game worth blogging about” drought is going to continue for a while, so I might as well show I’m still alive by mentioning what I’m up to lately. Genshin […]

JRPGs that still need localization in 2020

After writing my “10th Anniversary” post, I scrolled through my list of posts and noticed a couple of Japanese games I really enjoyed but that still aren’t available in English (AFAIK). With the advent of Kickstarter and Steam and other similar platforms, I thought for sure that more old games would have been licensed and […]

Octopath Traveler – Still going strong after 40 hours (spoilers)

I said I would be back to report on Octopath Traveler once I’d finished chapter 3 for everyone, so here I am! Still having fun! 8 separate stories I’ve really been saved by my laziness this time. Long time readers may have noticed that I almost never play games at launch. Even if I get […]