Finished Demon Gaze II – Story was dumb, but I had fun (spoilers)

I cleared Demon Gaze II in 27 hours and 30 minutes, making a nice short and reasonably satsifying game. Any longer than that and I would have gotten bored, any shorter and I would feel robbed. The same complaints I had with the first game apply, namely:  Loooong cutscenes every time something happens in the […]

Atelier Sophie – I quit. I’ve had enough

I’ve already said my piece on Atelier Sophie last time, i.e. it’s unenjoyable trash. Nevertheless, being the closet masochist that I am, I decided to soldier on for another 20 hours or so in case the game suddenly got more fun. There were moments when it seemed like it could possibly get interesting, but it […]

Atelier Sophie – Garbage.

I’ve been playing a lot of Atelier games this year whereas I used to space them out more in the past. That’s because in the past I found them quite satisfying and enjoyable, so one game could tide me over for a long time. Since Atelier Ayesha, however, I haven’t been enjoying myself. That’s why […]

Atelier Shallie Plus – Lousy to the end (spoilers)

I apologize for the long delay between posts. It’s because Atelier Shallie Plus was so boring I couldn’t bring myself to play it, but at the same time I was too busy to start something new. Finally I just sat in front of the TV and forced myself to finish it, marveling that the day […]