Shin Megami Tensei IV: Apocalypse – Reads like a kid’s self-insert fanfic

I always have a hard time writing posts about Shin Megami Tensei games. I love them and all, but they all feel the same. Kill or befriend demons, kill or befriend various people, choose Law/Chaos/Neutral, kill boss, end. It’s usually fun, especially the demon-fusing collect-em-all aspect, it’s just not interesting to write about. Current progress […]

Picross e, SMTIV: Apocalypse and other adventures

I took more time off from gaming than I’d planned to, but it’s all good. When you’re not feeling it, you’re not feeling it. After lounging on my sofa watching K-dramas with my sisters for a month, I’m just about ready to get back in the saddle. I realized two things: 1) I love Picross, […]

Finished all 150 Picross S puzzles! Plus other stuff I’m working on

And I only cheated for one of them! For all the others I used the hint roulette at the start then solved them fair and square. No guessing, no looking up solutions online. It really is possible to finish every puzzle through pure logical deduction. Even when the puzzles are all 1 1 1 2 […]