Xenoblade Chronicles 2 – Hit a boring patch so this is a good time for an update

Meh-meh-meeeh! Kina can’t decide whether she likes Xenoblade Chronicles 2 or not. On one hand I’ve been playing it almost non-stop for the past two days and having a great time. On the other hand, the “story” is pissing me off and the battles have gotten a bit stale. I hate stories where people stand […]

Finished Atelier Totori Plus long after running out of stuff to do

Or, more accurately, long after running out of stuff that I actually wanted to do. You will remember that Atelier Totori Plus is about an alchemist who wants to become an adventurer. For that reason, alchemy is de-emphasized and adventuring is prioritized in this game, meaning you will run out of recipes to synthesize long […]

Atelier Totori Plus – Starts slow then gets really good

I’m not sure how to check my playtime, but I estimate I’ve been playing Atelier Totori Plus for about 15 hours now. I’m in the middle of year 2, Adventurer Rank 6. Unless I mess up horribly I’m certain to avoid the bad end so that’s a load off my mind. I’d still be playing […]

Legend of Legacy – This is what I wanted from Xenoblade 2

Legend of Legacy is a 3DS RPG where you play as an adventurer exploring an unchartered island. You go to a new area, you explore it, you fill it in the map. You move to the next area, explore it, map it. And on and on until you finish the game. It’s a simple, unremarkable […]