Nothing much happening in Fire Emblem Echoes and Shin Atelier Rorona

The downside of playing lots of games at the same time is that you don’t make much progress in any of them. Which is okay because a good game shouldn’t be rushed, but it does mean I don’t blog much because I don’t have anything to write about. I said I would try to finish […]

Brief updates on Operation Abyss, Fire Emblem Echoes and Hatsukare Renai Debut Sengen

Operation Abyss: New Tokyo Legacy: Just about to hit what I hope/believe is the last stretch. 39 hours, party level of approximately 20 so not much progress from last time. I thought for sure I had almost 100,000GP to my name, but when I reloaded it turned out I had around 1,000…ehh? What did I […]

Let’s talk about Operation Abyss! No whining, I promise!

Yay, I’m in a good mood today! A little sleepy from staying up till 1am playing Operation Abyss, but in a good mood nonetheless. I adjusted my expectations down a bit and the game improved in other ways and now we’re good friends! I will say, though, that this has strengthened my resolve to play […]