Shining Ark = Shining Hearts’ atmosphere + Shining Blade’s battles

It’s all going to fall apart sooner or later, I know, but right now I’m seriously enjoying Shining Ark. I knew Sega could make a better game than Shining Blade if they tried. They’ve made an honest attempt to combine the best of Shining Hearts (crafting, laid-back village life) with the best of Shining Blade […]

Games I quit early, 2014 edition

Welcome to the fourth annual edition of “Games I started but realized they sucked and dumped them so quickly that I didn’t have anything to write about!” *canned applause* Happily enough the list gets shorter and shorter every year, partly because I’m more discerning about what I even start, partly because I’ve had all my […]

Happy New Year! Plus 2015 gaming resolutions

Happy New Year! The number 2015 sounds so accomplished and mature somehow, so that means I have to be mature and accomplished about my gaming choices this year. Or I could just take the easy route and play whatever catches my eye like I always do. Decisions, decisions… Last year I only managed to play […]