Thoughts on Valkyrie Profile Lenneth after ragequitting because I couldn’t stand the platforming any more

The title says it all, doesn’t it? So that’s the end of this post, good bye, see you all next time. ^_^ Though I suppose if you really want to know what happened I could humor you a bit. I was 27 hours in, deep inside the Jotunheim dungeon. There’s this room with these vanishing […]

Thoughts on Valkyrie Profile Lenneth after 18 hours

Just reached chapter 6 in Valkyrie Profile Lenneth, just recruited characters from Flenceburg and Gerabellum, heading to Hai-Lan to pick up whoever’s ready to come with me now. Nothing much has changed in my opinion of the game, except I’m ready for it to end now. I’m enjoying the dungeon crawling and the battling as […]

Record of Agarest War Mariage – 50% grinding, 50% fanservice

I haven’t played any of the ‘regular’ Agarest Senki SRPGs, but I heard this was a standalone game so I approached it accordingly. Record of Agarest War Mariage fits into a long tradition of what I call “harem RPGS.” This genre mainly covers RPGs that feature one clueless male protagonist with a party full of […]

Antiphona no Seikahime – Sugar and spice but not very nice

I didn’t like Rhapsody: A Musical Adventure, so what made me think I’d enjoy its sequel? Answer: nothing. Which is why I didn’t bother giving it more than 2 hours and 30 minutes of my time. I have a poor track record when it comes to enjoying Nippon Ichi Software games anyway, so I find […]