Frontier Gate Boost+ – Of course I’m still playing

Don’t worry, no whining today. After 55 hours and 221 quests, I’ve already turned in my Right to Complain card. Unfortunately I don’t have anything new to report about Frontier Gate Boost+, just more of the same. Accept quest, do quest, accept quest, do quest, accept quest, do quest. It’s not like the quests are […]

Finished Conception. Verdict: Good dating sim, bad dungeon crawler.

It took me about 33 hours to finish, but other reviews claim 21-25 hours is the norm. I should have spent less time exploring the dungeons and skipped the final three seasonal dungeons once the way to the last boss opened up. The ending was brief, but quite happy. The kegare are disposed of forever, […]

Conception – I like the characters, but the gameplay needs work

Also the story and some of the dialogue is really vulgar. Not that I expected a game subtitled “Please Bear My Child” to not be vulgar, but I’m surprised how low they sunk. Way beyond innuendo and well into ‘rubbing your face in it’ territory. If you thought Ar Tonelico was too subtle and you […]