The stupidly high encounter rate is doing a serious number on my sanity. Not just that, but I’ve been spoiled rotten by excessively linear games likes Hexyz Force and Phantasy Star Portable so I can’t get used to roaming around for hours and talking to every single NPC to get a clue where to go […]
Dragon Quest 6 + what next

The advantage of drawing up gaming resolutions is that I never have to wonder what to play next. I’m going at a good pace, playing at least one of them every month. Innocent Sin, Atelier Elie and Phantasy Star Portable are done and I’m currently working on Dragon Quest 6. If you play one Dragon […]
Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together (3)

Finally finished what is apparently the “Law” route. I had a bad feeling! This is not the way! I started out liking Tactics Ogre, but now I’m just glad it’s over. By the end of the game everything was tedious beyond belief. I finally got a few challenging story battles where I was supposed to […]
Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together (2)

21:39 hours in and no end in sight. I just started Chapter 4, “Let Us Cling Together,” so that’s probably the last one. I’m tired. I’m going to say this as gently as I can: This game is a massive joke. After my last post, I got tired of killing all my enemies just to […]
Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together (1)

Ah, I love a good SRPG. Heck, I even love a bad one, but Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together is definitely one of the good ones. It can cling to me any day! Beyond “it’s good,” though, there’s not much to say about it. It doesn’t do anything too different from other games in […]