I’m a casual RPG gamer. I can’t deal with all this mindless dashing about, running all over the screen with one hand, using pins to slash and stab enemies with the other hand, controlling your partner on the top screen with your third hand, reaching for a rope to hang yourself with your fourth hand… […]
SaGa 3 Finished! What I didn’t like
1. It starts off really slowly. The first third or so of the game was really boring. It was all about finding parts for the time-traveling ship. Go here, do this, go there, do that. Zzzz… I literally fell asleep behind the DS more than once. Things pick up a bit once you go to […]
SaGa 3 Finished! What I liked
Yay! Finished! I ran roughshod over Laguna last night. I was half-asleep doing it, actually, because the fight was such a snoozefest. He only had three forms, and none of his attacks were ever enough to kill me. Not to mention I had a guest party member who would cure my life to full at […]
SaGa 3 – I’m mad
I’m almost finished with SaGa 3. I just have to go to the final mountain, hack my way through the weaklings and wipe out the final boss, who should be a pushover like all the other bosses before him. This game is way, way easier than SaGa 2, at least on the Normal setting. It’s […]
Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Echoes of Time review
I mentioned that I had started Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Echoes of Time earlier. Well I didn’t get very far before I quit, just about two or three hours into it. I was on Fire Mountain, for those of you familiar with the game. Why did I quit? 1. Action RPGs are usually not my […]