The first release in Idea Factory’s now abandoned Otomate Forte series of games. The idea was to produce regular games with a ‘girl-friendly’ coating to make them more appealing to female gamers. The second game was Date ni Gametsui wake ja nai, which was a remake of Master of the Monster Lair with added bishies. […]
In which I moderately praise Phantasy Star Portable 2 for being a very good game, objectively speaking
It took me 20 hours, but I finished Phantasy Star Portable 2. Take that, stupid Kumhan! You and your stupid Light Attack that killed me 6 times until I realized it was blockable! It’s not just blockable but it’s his weakest attack once you block it. All those wasted attempts. Tch. I was a bit […]
Sol Trigger – Stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid!
Welcome back. Today I continue to explain why Sol Trigger is such a stupid game. I covered the problems specific to Part 2 of the story last time, but the rest of the story was plenty bad enough to begin with. Obligatory spoiler warning, but you’re better off being spoiled and avoiding this game for […]
Sol Trigger – Stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid.
And another 1000 stupids for good measure. What a stupid game. And what a stupid gamer I am for seeing it through to the end. I hate Imageepoch so much right now, but I hate myself even more. *deep breath* Okay. Let’s do this. But first I must warn you that there’ll be pleeeenty of […]
Steambot Chronicles – Too hard!
I barely made it two hours into Steambot Chronicles before getting clobbered by some spiky train in a canyon. I like everything about the game: the story so far (amnesia excepted), the characters, the setting, the music, the art (the cover really doesn’t do it justice), everything. I like the hunger stat, the music mini-game, […]