42 hours and 49 minutes. That’s roughly 9.2 dragons per hour, for anyone keeping score. I spent the past weekend in a state of mild addiction, but I’m all better now. *twitch* Yeah. I ended up like this because shortly after I made my last post, 7th Dragon gave me a ship and set me loose […]
7th Dragon – Twelfth hour
It’s highly playable and fairly enjoyable, but not that different from all the other dungeon crawlers I’ve played recently. In fact, Final Promise Story and Fuurai no Shiren 2 are the only dungeon crawlers I can definitively say are worse than this. Everything else – Unchainblades Rexx, Criminal Girls, WiZman’s World, etc – leaves 7th […]
Iron Master: The Legendary Blacksmith – Finished one route
It turns out you don’t get the complete “story” (what little there is of it, anyway) unless you play the game three times and choose a different town to live in each time. What’s more, you only get to make a maximum of 6 kinds of items in each playthrough, so you have to play […]
Monster Kingdom: Jewel Summoner – Decent (spoilers)
Monster Kingdom: Jewel Summoner is a passable game. I would even have deemed it “pretty good” if the endgame hadn’t dragged on interminably. It’s one of those games where you approach the final dungeon thinking “I’ll be done in about 5 hours” and then that 5 turns into 50 before you know it. As happened […]
What I’m up to right now
I haven’t posted in a couple of days, which is unusual for me. It’s not because I haven’t been playing any games but rather because I’m playing a few at the same time but haven’t gotten far enough to post about any of them. Suikoden II – At the 7 hour mark, just got Shu […]