I mentioned I was going to try more otome visual novels, but finding one that’s actually playable might be harder than I thought. I only made it about an hour into Starry Sky ~in Spring~ before I had admit that this just wasn’t going to work. First off, there are only three guys to get […]
Trails in the Sky – The Whereabouts of Copyright
See, I told you I’d heard the main theme of Trails in the Sky somewhere before. It’s a direct rip-off of the main theme of Laputa: The Castle in the Sky!! Not note-for-note, but close enough that someone like me who hasn’t watched Laputa in years could tell I knew that song from somewhere. I’ve […]
Trails in the Sky – Finally over! (spoilers)
“Heaven has no rage, like love to hatred turned…” – William Congreve I’ve played a lot of RPGs in my life and I have never been so glad to put a game behind me as I was when the credits finally rolled on Snails in the Sky. The credits rolled, but the game didn’t exactly […]
The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky – Interminable
Or, more accurately, The Legend of Heroes: Snails in the Sky. I’ve been playing this game for ages. Barely anything has happened and the game drags on like you wouldn’t believe. Won’t it ever end? Incidentally this is why I like to write posts at various stages of the playing process. If I’d written this […]
Harvest Moon: Hajimari no Daichi (3DS)
Harvest Moon for the 3DS, coming out early 2012, blah blah blah. If I know my Marvelous, there’ll be at least one delay before it comes out, so Summer 2012 is a safer bet. Is it just me or are those some huge-ass vegetables? How are you going to harvest those? And would anyone seriously […]