Master of the Monster Lair review

Another game I couldn’t get into. I was bored stiff within an hour. In Master of the Monster Lair, you play a jobless teen who finds a magical shovel that can be used to dig dungeons. Your local mayor appoints you dungeon digger and asks you to turn the local caves into a dungeon as […]

Harvest Moon: The Tale of Two Towns!

Natsume is bringing Harvest Moon: Twin Villages over as Harvest Moon: Tale of Two Towns! When exactly it’ll be published stateside? Sometime in 2011 is all they’re saying. Natsume have been known to postpone release dates before, not to mention Twin Villages itself was delayed at least once before release. Anyone who’s read my posts […]

Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Echoes of Time review

I mentioned that I had started Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Echoes of Time earlier. Well I didn’t get very far before I quit, just about two or three hours into it. I was on Fire Mountain, for those of you familiar with the game. Why did I quit? 1. Action RPGs are usually not my […]

Tactical Guild – Bad Budget Game (3)

Riddle me this, folks: Can you still call a game ‘bad’ after finishing it three times in a row? I mean, not even Luminous Arc 3 got three full playthroughs, and that was 10 times the game Tactical Guild is. The last game I played thrice in quick succession was Atelier Lina and I wouldn’t […]

Tactical Guild – Bad Budget Game (2)

I finished my second playthrough last night! This time I went for Rosetta’s ending. I don’t know whether I got the “good” ending or the “normal” ending, or even how to differentiate between the two, but I was satisfied when it was all over. Bad budget game Tactical Guild may be, but I really like […]