Tokyo Mono Hara Shi – Not ‘too niche’, just ‘too boring’.

Tokyo Mono Hara Shi: Karasu no Mori Gakuen Kitan, to give its full name, is a spin-off of the Tokyo Majin Gakuen series. I’d never even heard of Tokyo Majin before I tried this, and apparently none of the games in the series have been released in  the west. This despite the fact that they […]

Duel Love – Koisuru Otome wa Chotto Kimochiwarui

It’s 3 a.m. Do you know where your daughter is? If you live in the world of Duel Love, she’s in some basement somewhere pawing at a naked, sweaty guy. Don’t blame her; blame yourself and your complete lack of parental supervision. Failed parenting aside, Duel Love is way more fun than I’d expected when […]

Unchainblades EXXiV – Pretty good all around

74 hours and 49 minutes there-ish. Got the Hilda ending, which was kinda meh. Ryuga x Dianne = One True Pairing. I’ll have to be more careful next time I play this kind of game. Story: Silly people wasting their once-in-a-lifetime wishes on very silly things. The goddess Clunea has been sealed, and wishes help […]

65 hours into UnchainBlades EXXiV + Arc Rise Fantasia update

I’m trying to play both games slowly to avoid burnout, but it’s not really working. I’m not very good at this fancy new-age “self-control” stuff. So I thought, if moderation won’t work then it’s time to go the other route: play the hell out of both games. That I can do nicely. UnchainBlades EXXiV: 65 […]

After 45 hours of UnchainBlades EXXiV (spoilers)

I had a nice stretch of free time this week and basically marathoned my way through UnchainBlades EXXiV. I’m on the 5th dungeon, a nice beautiful sunny change from all the underground doom and gloom. I’m a little sad though, because they added some anime harem pick-a-girl crap after chapter 4, and I went and […]