After the last post I made about Disgaea, I received some very helpful comments that made me decide to give the game one last chance. To that end I also switched from the PS2 version to the DS version
in the hopes that this would make the game feel more accessible.
Changes I had to make to be able to play this game:
– Ignore Dark Assembly apart from picking up canon fodder at the start
– Ignore Item World apart from the mandatory trip in Chapter 3
– Ignore Geo Symbols as much as possible
– Laharl basically solos. The rest toss him Candy or distract enemies long enough for Laharl to heal.
Thanks to these changes I was able to make it to an all-time high of 5 hours and 30 minutes played. I reached Episode 5 (Jotunheim) for anyone who is familiar with the game. Unfortunately being able to play that far just deepened my realization that Disgaea just isn’t for me. I still don’t know what it is about the game that I dislike so much, but at this point I’ve given up on finding out.
Since I had to completely gut and neuter the system to make it even remotely playable, however, I suspect it might have something to do with my innate dislike for fussy battle systems, especially in SRPGs. I’m also not that crazy about grinding, so the idea that I’d have to dive into all my weapons and armor (the shops never seemed to update) and fight at least 10 battles each to power them up just a little bit is off-putting, to say the least. The story and the characters were also a little too kiddy for me. What is love~ Baby don’t hurt me~ don’t hurt me~ no more~♫
No need to kick a game while it’s down. Thanks to all who helped me figure out a way to play a little more of this before quitting. I’m sorry all your efforts were in vain, but I gave it my best shot. I really did. And now, at last, it’s time to move on.
the only way to make the shop update their selection is to buy enough stuff to fill their bar, then ask the dark assembly to improve the shop selection
anyway there are many tricks to break disgaea (there is a way to triple the XP you gain although it requires a decent amount of work) and that’s where the game charm comes from but of course if you see them as a chore there isn’t much to do
the story might looks kiddy when flonne comes and rants about love for 5 minutes but it’s also full of hilarious moment like this bit where they make fun of super sentai shows (that would be stuff like the power rangers)
Yeahhh I think this is a game I’m better off experiencing through Youtube/Let’s Plays rather than trying to play it myself. Thanks for the link.
Personally i hated every disgaea game , i played like 2 hours the first one and thats becuase i’ve payed high bucks for it was being a big recommendation from a now untrusty source
then i found disgaea 2 cheap and give it a shot, it has the record of hold my interest for 6 hours and 13 minutes, and thats becuase i liked the story (actually ive heard this is the worst game)
disgaea 3 i found for 10 bucks so i thought it may be an improvement, i just didnt play it , it had graphics that look hideous for a ps3 game and i cant stand the stupid intro song , so i never ever did a single battle on that game. i’m not a graphic whore of sorts but i didnt like the lazynes.
Luckily for me i was selling my game collection in an ebay like service here in my country and disgaea games sold for big bucks.
Then DISGAEA 4 came to me, how to say it…., i love that game poured 165 hours on it and had to quit cuz i havent seen the sunlight for weeks, i had 8 hours sessions daily at worst and on weekends i poured like 13 hours straight , it is THAT GOOD, but why ???? i just dont know, i hated (on CAPS) HATED! the first two games they were a mess and this game is no different in a sense that it has it all, item world,dark assembly , geo blocks, dozens of classess and monsters . they improved the graphics thou , for some reason that game clicked on the right spot for me , i hated the idea of doing the item world, and now there is a character world, dimension x world , land of carnage world and such…. i puored countless hours on those grinding like there is no tomorrow , literally the days blend while i was HAVING FUN with the game. thats it i had fun with the game. i like the VALVATOREZ main character its over the top, and his steward FENRICH. i didnt care about the story , it end of being friendship power save the world but the iteraction with characters taht made it an amusing journey…. when i did the story chapters, i did 95% extra grinding content and 5% story and still finished the game/ onny to found that 50% of the game is post game content
i know you wont like this kind of game , neither do i, but when i found D4 it was like STFU and do me.
Haha, I’m so glad your story has a happy ending. For me I’m not even going to try D2, 3 and 4, unless like a PS3 drops down from heaven and those are the only games on it. Even then I’ll probably sell them and use the money to buy something else. So yeah, I’m done with the whole Disgaea series.
sorry for the hoard of typos xD
I’ll overlook yours if you’ll overlook mine 😉