There’s no retirement in Shepherd’s Crossing
, so I just gave up when I felt like it, on Day 5 of Acorn month, Year 10.
I would have quit much earlier, but just when I was about to say adieu, the random hunt that gives carrot seeds FINALLY popped up (the one against Waku Waku, if you were wondering), which gave my game a much-needed shot in the arm.
My game was crippled without dem carrots, because without carrots I couldn’t get angora rabbits, which meant I couldn’t get angora rabbit fur, which meant I couldn’t get spotbilled ducks, which meant I couldn’t get pumpkin seeds, which meant I couldn’t get any alpaca fur. And of course by the time I finally got alpaca fur in year 10, I didn’t need any of the trade-in items I’d gotten it for, so I decided it was time to call it a day. 10 years is a nice round number to stop at, anyway.
Final impressions? Haven’t changed much from my first ones. The inability to trade items for money really, really hurt the game, in my opinion. The only pluses that I can list are that hunting was fun till the end and that crops were easier to grow than in SC2. I successfully completed almost all the hunts without too much trouble, except for the final one with the three bears. My plan for that, which I never got around to implementing, was to defeat and collect at least one bear, and then have one of my dogs hide until the turn count was up. Ta-daa, instant success. I was also going to distract them so they couldn’t use Cow Kill, because that move has wrecked my entire party one too many times. But it’s okay. No matter what the reward is, I don’t need it now.
I say crop farming is easier simply because there are no diseases in this game and because adverse weather doesn’t affect crop growth. In Shepherd’s Crossing 2 even if you got every dog available to guard against marauding animals, you had no way of countering crop diseases and frost. You just couldn’t catch a break. Here you’ll be fine if only you have enough animals and enough fences. On the other hand, getting those seeds to plant in the first place can be hell, as my little carrot misadventure just proved.
It was addictive in its own way, of course. I had more “wtf, why does the clock suddenly say 5am” moments with it than I’ve had with any other game I’ve played so far this year. As an unexpected side effect, playing Shepherd’s Crossing made me want to play Tactical Guild again. They’re from the same company, and every time Success’s logo appeared with that little hum, I started hearing TG’s theme in my head. I looked around for the soundtrack, but I don’t think it exists. I’ll content myself with watching the mini-theater skits for now.
Speaking of Success and Shepherd’s Crossing, it doesn’t look like they have any plans to release another handheld version any time soon. They’ve made a version for mixi and Japanese cellphones. I made a mixi account many years ago, no idea if it’s still active. I don’t even remember the password. I’m a bit shepherded out right now, but I’ll look into it again in a couple of months when the craving strikes again.