Natsume is bringing Harvest Moon: Twin Villages over as Harvest Moon: Tale of Two Towns
! When exactly it’ll be published stateside? Sometime in 2011 is all they’re saying. Natsume have been known to postpone release dates before, not to mention Twin Villages itself was delayed at least once before release. Anyone who’s read my posts about TV knows I wasn’t a big fan of it, but it did great sales in Japan and I hope it does great sales in America as well.
Marvelous has been putting a lot of effort in the Rune Factory franchise these days, which is good (I want Oceans!!), but I don’t want them to forget HM entirely. As long as the success of TV doesn’t mislead them into thinking that once-a-day saves and repetitive contests and rampant store closings and bland characters and forcefully slow progress are the way to go, no problem at all. Plus Harvest Moon: Grand Bazaar was a disappointment to many HM fans, so maybe they’ll like TV better.
As for me, it’s too soon to replay Twin Villages The Tale of Two Towns, so I’ll be saving up for when RF: Oceans comes stateside. I suppose could also buy RF: Frontier while I’m waiting, but everything I’ve seen and heard of the runey system sounds so frustrating that I don’t really want to get involved. In the meantime, back to my other games.
The runey system didn’t bothering me much though…
Hi (:
Sorry to ask this, but I was wondering how exactly cooking worked in this game. For example, Cam’s birthday is Fall 1, and I want to cook him a dish that gives 800 FP so that his FP can be quadrupled. But one of the ingredients is spinach. This would be fine, since spinach grows in fall, but there’s no way to have it fully grown in one day, is there? So how are you supposed to use it in the recipe if you can only plant it on the day of his birthday? Or do the shops sell seeds before the season starts?
Also, I was wondering whether you consider Grand Bazaar a good choice for starters? I’ve played two HM games before, but they were the really early ones, Friends of Mineral Town and A Wonderful Life. I wanted to jump back into HM recently, but because they’ve developed so much I don’t know whether I would be able to follow the more innovative ones, and I heard that people didn’t like GB because it was too easy. I’m planning on getting the most recent one, Tale of Two Towns, as well, but you said the two are very similar, so should I get Sunshine Islands instead, or get all three anyway?
Since the stores were so unpredictable, I took to stockpiling seeds from previous seasons. That’s the only way I can think of to have spinach seeds before Fall 1, but even then there’s no way to plant it and have it grow in 1 day. Gonbei won’t sell them before Fall and if you plant them in summer I don’t think they’ll grow. Some recipes accept substitute ingredients, see if that’s one of them. Otherwise you’re probably out of luck.
Grand Bazaar is a good choice for beginners, but apart from being so easy, it’s also very restricted in terms of what you can do and where you can go. The whole game occupies only 4 screens IIRC. The bachelor/bachelorette selection is pretty poor as well. You won’t regret getting it, but if you have access to Sunshine Islands, I’d recommend that over GB any day.
Oh, okay, thank you so much!
I do have access to Sunshine Islands, but I heard it was really hard because of the whole crop-weather system and the sun stones and everything. I’m worried that it’s got so many new features that I won’t be able to keep up! But you’re right there, the bachelors/bachelorettes are a lot better in SI than in GB for sure. I just don’t want to start it, realize I have no idea what I’m doing, and quit before year 2…
The crop-weather system in Sunshine Islands is really forgiving, compared to Island of Happiness. You can get along just fine without using a FAQ. Same with the Sun stones, just make friends with all the townspeople and faceless NPCs and you’ll do great. It’s a good game.