Image by Michelle Maria from Pixabay
Merry Christmas! Did everyone have fun? My usual Christmas tradition is to pig out at our annual family luncheon, but this year I’ve been watching my weight… watching it climb up on the scale, that is… so I was a little modest with my food. Just a little. I’m actually kind of peckish right now.
My family doesn’t do Christmas presents, but a kindly old uncle gave me some money <3! Three cheers for kindly old uncles! Obviously it must be because I still look so fresh and youthful even now. I must work more on my looks next year and dye those pesky grey hairs so I can keep receiving that sweet moolah… $_$
In gaming news, I fished out my PSP recently. My nephews and nieces are getting old enough for gaming, so my goal for 2020 (God willing, assuming we even make it that far) is to clean up all straggling games on the PS1, PS2, PSP, DS and 3DS and then pass them on to the next generation while they’re still playable.
So anyway, I dug out Ye Olde PSP and started Fate/Extra. I was going to give my early thoughts on the game in this post, but TBH my opinion is largely negative so far, and I don’t want to sully a Christmas post with too much negativity. It’s not like it’s a bad game, it’s just a bit too visual-novelly “Let Us Contemplate Our Navels”-ish for my liking. Fans of the Fate series or VNs should like it. TBH if it wasn’t made by imageepoch I would have dropped it already. I’ll give it up to 10 hours to impress me.
Actually the real reason why I went back to the PSP is because I wanted to try playing a Ys game on it. I’m too tired and lazy these days to sit behind a TV or computer screen for gaming. I just want to flop over on my bed or sofa and take it easy. The only reason why I went with Fate/Extra instead of a Ys is because the PSP buttons are stiff from disuse, so I’m playing something light on button presses while I work up the energy to open the handheld up and clean it out.
Aight, see you guys either when I play enough Fate/Extra to write a review or when the New Year rolls around, which ever one comes first. Merry Christmas!🎄