Let’s keep this short and sweet, shall we? My World My Way
is a simple game so I don’t see the point of writing too much about it. Basically I got tired of playing Radiant Historia and picked something else up to while away the time. 25 hours later, My World, My Way is done and RH is still languishing in limbo. I really need to push myself to finish that thing, but…
Well, anyway, I’d had my eye on My World, My Way for a while before I actually started it. Mainichi Japan’s website did an article on it just before it came out in Japan and it sounded great to be able to affect an RPG world. Enemies too weak? Power them up! Landscape boring? Change it! Not enough item drops? Demand more! Not enough EXP? Pout till you get some more. It sounded like great fun.
Having played it… it’s not half-bad at all. It’s nothing special either, I think they could have done a lot more with the world and the story than they actually did, but I got a fun 25 hours out of it so it’s all good. Plus RH is dull and heavy going now that I’m near the end, so the simple, extremely linear story of MWMW was a much-needed breath of fresh air to me. The humor fell flat a lot of the time, but at least they were trying to be funny and I appreciated that. If I’d played it at another time maybe I wouldn’t have enjoyed it too much.
The extreme linearity and repetitiveness may be a problem for most RPG veterans, though. Princess Elise goes to a village, gets a quest, fills the quest, goes to the next village (filled with the same villagers), gets another quest, finishes the quest, goes to the next…etc. Eventually she gets to a dungeon, kills the dungeon boss and goes back home, for a while. It doesn’t get much deeper or more involved than that.
Furthermore being able to affect the world so freely does, as you might expect, make the game extremely easy. Even the bosses were easy, but if they aren’t easy enough for you, you have the option of lowering their levels by ten. I think I did that for the Ice Dragon or something, but I beat everything else fair and square, including the final boss. Well, “fair and square” doesn’t include Paralyzing her (“Hey, stand still will ya?”), but it does include spamming Angelic Might with my maxed Wis, using Clear when she used Magic Might and having Pinky heal repeatedly with the Recovery Staff. Easy final battle was easy!
Come to think of it, this would be the perfect game for an RPG noob. I’ve been trying to get my friend into RPGs, but she keeps whining about all the talking, and all the convoluted storylines and battle systems, so she’d probably love this. No complicated storyline to memorize, no unwieldy gameplay or fancy level up system to deal with, just go out, fight to your hearts content, warp home when you get tired, rest for free, etc, etc. And even veterans like me who need a break from the heavy stuff can enjoy it. This was worth my time, definitely. Sequel any time soon?
I’ve been wanting to play that game for a very long time, but finding a copy and bringing it to Europe is quite the challenging task. The cheapest copy I could find costs a whooping 50$, and that’s without counting the shipping fees. I’m not really sure I want to play it that much, and even less sure that it’s really worth that amount of money…
I enjoyed it, especially how different the premise is. If you pay about $30-35 total, that’s okay. Not much more than that.