Of which I am not one, mind you. But the reason why I’ve tried many rogue-likes and finished none is that I quickly get tired of starting over from level 1 every time I die or warp out. Despite that, I’d always accepted that as a standard feature of the genre and never really considered alternative ways of playing. In fact I was even insulted when Zettai Hero Project let you keep scraps of the stats you’d earned so far. But now I know that ZHP’s real problem was that it didn’t go far enough. If you’re going to nerf a roguelike, either go all the way and nerf it good and proper or don’t even bother. That’s what Sega is trying to teach the world through Dramatic Dungeon Sakura Taisen
The five main nerfs are as follows:
1. You keep your level between dungeons – most other roguelikes start you over from level 1
2. You keep your level even if you die – most other roguelikes start you over from level 1
3. You keep whatever items have equipped when you die – most other roguelikes take everything from you, though they may give you a courtesy weak weapon when you revive
4. Warp-home scrolls are sold in stores for only 300g a piece, and money is plentiful – Other games may have similar items, but they are rarely as common or as affordable.
5. You’re accompanied by up to three highly competent companions – Shiren 4 does this, but that’s about it. In other games either you’re alone or your companies just exist to get killed so they can power monsters up. Do please go on, this is most interesting