Alas, the long break did me in. I finally got Arc the Lad: Twilight of the Spirits
to work again (sometimes) only to find that I didn’t care any more how the story ended. I still played on anyway, since I was quite close to the end. And so I pressed on and finished it after 32 hours and 41 minutes. There’s a long sequence of cutscenes and at least two battles between the final save and the final battle, meaning if you lose you have to watch everything all over again. I therefore advise any potential players to do like I did and FAQ the last boss before taking him on. Heck, I’ll just go ahead and share the way I did it.
My final party was Kharg, Darc, Bebedora, Volk, Camellia and Maru with an average level of 28. If I had to do it again, and luckily I don’t, I would fill the party with long-range attackers like Paulette and Tatjana instead. The last boss has a shield around him that absorbs any damage. Early on he’ll spit out brain cells, which are mini-bosses. After you defeat a number of them, the boss’s shield vanishes.
Here’s the trick: as long as you hug the walls and stay out of the path directly in front of him, he will never regenerate his shield. And not just that, but he will almost never directly attack your party. Once in a long while he’ll absorb some HP from those standing close to him, which is why it’s best to have as few close-range attackers as possible. Basically stay close to the walls, stay away from the area in front of him (I can’t stress this enough. The Return to Darkness attack hits for an average of 275. I know because I tried to tank it), pack lots of Luminous Mosses because he’s weak to Light and then go to town on his ugly eyeball. Do please go on, this is most interesting →