Played a little more Final Fantasy Type-0. It’s still a mess.

PIC1Last time I posted I was 5 hours into Final Fantasy Type-0, now I’m at the 10 hour mark. I still don’t know what I’m doing, but whatever it is it’s working, because I’ve completed two more missions. C ranking and pitiful money for both, but completion is completion. A few notes.

– The story is boooriiiing. Nothing’s haaaappeniiiiing! Byakko invaded Suzaku. Suzaku is fighting back. Suzaku has been fighting back for the past 10 hours, with no end in sight. Boring! Move on already!

– Also I hate battles where the boss shows up and we obviously beat him to a pulp, but then he goes flying off while gloating, “Mission Accomplished!” Every RPG is allowed exactly one such scene, and Type-0 just used up its quota.

– For some reason, someone at Square thought it would be a good idea to allow level 99 monsters to wander the world map, just because. I wish I could find that someone and feed them my fist, just because.

– I can’t get the hang of the button presses. I’m supposed to press 0 + Triangle to summon an eidolon, but I press and press and press and nothing happens. Until I press long enough and get lucky, but that’s after like 20 failed presses, nearly getting me killed.

– On the other hand, I have been a little luckier with the Phantoma-extraction process. I find the R+Square button gives the most success, since I’m using King, who runs out of MP very quickly. Then I just press the combo while killing monsters. In general I’ve given up on getting a good ranking or getting any Phantoma through story missions. I’m getting the bulk of my goods from the random encounters on the world map instead, since your HP and MP are refilled to full after every battle there.

fftype zero king profile– 14 party members from the start is crazy, but I did get the chance to try out a few other controllables other than Ace and King. By “get the chance” I mean those two died in a mission and things were so hectic I didn’t have time to raise them (i.e. it’s not even possible), so I swapped them out instead. Queen is pretty easy to use, and Cater has good magic. I think I could make good use of Rem too, if only she wasn’t so squishy. I think King is always going to be my main because he hits those Kill sites so easily, but it’s good to train a couple of others as backup.

– Is it just me or are the PC-controlled reinforcements from the Academy useless? I lucked out once and got Kurasame (level 65) and once or twice I’ve gotten level 22 members, but for the most part they suck! And unlike your main party members, they don’t gain EXP, so you don’t benefit in the long-term.

– Sidequests are awful! First off, you can only do one at a time. This wouldn’t be a problem except some of them require you to go to the World Map and come back. Each trip and back takes 6 hours off your in-game clock. Once time is up, not only can you not take any missions (or get any rewards for outstanding missions) but you’re also forced to continue the story whether you want to or not. I should be allowed to take up to three outdoors missions at a time.

– The sidequests that do look promising are all but unplayable. There are explorable caves and dungeons on the world map, but the enemies there are far above your level. E.g. the couerls in the Corts cave were level 22 when King was level 15. Then there are Combat Exercises, which sound tremendously fun, but the ones available are both for level 36 and over. Why make them available now? You don’t expect me to… grind, do you?

– When am I going to get new weapons and armor to buy?! I’ve been stuck with the same old +5 to strength items since the game started!

– Despite the complaints, I think I’m starting to get the hang of things. I’m going to try out a few more party members and take on a few missions and see how it goes. If things are still looking down after 10 more hours, Ill throw in the towel.

Final Fantasy Type-0 aside, I just started Tales of Legendia. …Why am I doing this to myself?

2 thoughts on “Played a little more Final Fantasy Type-0. It’s still a mess.

  1. Mune says:

    Okay lol, I don’t care what anyone else says but Tales of Legendia is the the best game in the entire Tales series, period.

    • Kina says:

      I should certainly hope so, after the ordeals I went through with Tempest and Innocence. Right now Legendia is temporarily shelved (the controls clash with FF Type-0’s) but the outfits and the dialogue and the suddenness of the story and basically everything about the game is just “O_O what have I gotten myself into” levels.

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