I remember mentioning long ago that I was playing Suikoden Tierkreis
. I finished it way back in August/September thereabouts, but never posted about it. And now I can barely remember what it was about.
Let’s see, something about the hero going on a mission with some of his friends, and then suddenly some ruins pop out of nowhere. His friends think they’ve been there all along but the hero knows differently. Lots of ups and downs (and lots and lots of characters) later, it turns out they’ve been fighting some destroyer of worlds known as the One King, who is trying to take over the multiverse. They fight him, kill him and live happily ever after.
Something like that really. It was actually kind of fun. Had a number of sidequests to do and several locations to visit. I liked the art as well. For some reason it reminded me of Rune Factory, especially the way the characters waddled around on the screen. The world did feel a bit bare and empty, though, as characters kept popping into and out of existence the whole time.Vast parts of the map are just made of up empty space or desert or forest. It’s a bit depressing, but maybe that was the point.
I only got about 90 out of the 108 stars required, so if there was some super-good ending for getting all 108, I didn’t see it. Come to think of it, this is a good time to look it up on Youtube. Ah, here it is. Watching, watching, watching….too long and boring to watch the whole thing. I skipped to the end and it seems you get to see Atrie again. That’s my reward for getting all 108? Well, whatever. All’s well that ends well!
Speaking of Suikoden in general, it’s one of the RPG series that I think I’m a fan of, but that I haven’t really played much of. The same goes for Wild Arms and the Saga games. I’ve only played Suikoden I and Suikoden Tierkreis from beginning to end, and I’ve played most of Suikoden III but I’m not impressed. I guess I only think I’m a fan because I liked Suikoden I so much. I wanted to play Suikoden II after that, but copies were going for over $100 at the time (they’re still that high even now. New copies go for $250+) so I never got the chance. More recently I went online to look for a new copy of Suikoden V and it was selling for $78.00 on Amazon. Seriously? I don’t want to play it that badly, you know. I’ll have to obtain them by alternate means later.
In the meantime, there are other, more reasonably priced games to play and enjoy. Including the remake of Saga 3 that came out on the DS a few weeks ago! Gotta finish some other games before that, though.