What the— Why should I, a Christian, have to be a go-between for a gay romance when I’m supposed to be killing dragons? Well no one’s forcing me to do it. Come to think of it, no one’s forcing me to play this game either. And then 7th Dragon III was dropped. Next game, please.
7th Dragon III: Code VFD – Everybody’s talking at me

It’s not even a dungeon-crawler any more, it’s just another RPG where the characters just can’t shut up. Except your actual party is made up of mutes, so you just stand there while the NPCs pratter and blather. They tell you when to get up, when to go to bed, when to turn left, when […]
Demo report: 7th Dragon III, Yo-kai Watch, Stella Glow, Pokemon Mystery Dungeon

Checked a few 3DS demos to make sure they could be played with my wonky Y (and L?) buttons and half-broken circle pad. The results are as follows: 7th Dragon III Code: VFD – Works like a charm. I can run with either the circle pad or the direction pad and the Y button doesn’t […]
Happy New Year! No resolutions for 2017, at least for now

Happy New Year everyone! May your 2017 be full of peace and joy and God’s grace and as few celebrity deaths as possible! I think the way you ring in the New Year sets the tone for the first month at least. I spent New Year’s Eve trying out the 7th Dragon III Code: VFD […]
Nothing to report

I haven’t started anything new, and I haven’t played much of the few games I’m currently working on. Unless you want a long post filled with Ring Dream, Rakuen Seikatsu Hitsuji mura and Candy Crush Soda updates, that is. I’m guessing you don’t. I said last time that I would write about Littlewitch Parfait this […]