Atelier Shallie Plus – Lousy to the end (spoilers)

I apologize for the long delay between posts. It’s because Atelier Shallie Plus was so boring I couldn’t bring myself to play it, but at the same time I was too busy to start something new. Finally I just sat in front of the TV and forced myself to finish it, marveling that the day […]

Little progress in Atelier Shallie Plus (sizeable spoilers)

It’s been a while since I last touched Atelier Shallie Plus. At least two weeks, maybe more. I’m a bit baffled by that because usually I blaze through Atelier games no matter how busy I am. In fact they’re my favorite procrastination tools. It just happens that I’ve hit a really boring patch where I […]

Atelier Shallie Plus – Lousy at first

atelier shallie plus japanese cover

Saying Atelier Shallie Plus was “lousy at first” implies that it’s no longer lousy. But actually it’s still kind of lousy as of chapter 6. It’s just that the game has improved a lot compared to the first few hours so I don’t mind as much. My final post about Shallie will most likely be […]

Finished Atelier Escha & Logy Plus with a little help from YouTube (spoilers)

I explored the Fallen Ruins and beat the last boss fair and square. That being the case, I can say I legitimately finished Atelier Escha & Logy Plus. It just happpens that I had 240 days left on the clock and I could only skip forward 10 days at a time. Meaning I’d have to […]

Wasted 26 hours, 17 minutes and 40 seconds on Atelier Ayesha Plus (spoilers)

My final save file reads 36:17:40 and I reckon about 10 of those hours were actually fun. The rest was dreck. Atelier Ayesha seems to divide people into those who think it’s the best thing ever and a great introduction to the Atelier series and those who think it’s disappointing and the beginning of the […]