Happy New Year 2022! + Sorting out gacha games

Happy new year everyone! Can you believe we’re already 10 days into the year? It feels like Christmas was only yesterday, but now it’s already time to go back to school/work. And so another year begins. I had a lot of time to think about gaming over the new year break. Specifically why I’ve moved […]

Major Spoilers for Another Eden – Found out about the Cat beyond Time and Space

I’m still playing the same five games regularly: Rakuen Seikatsu Hitsujimura, Genshin Impact (once a week), Love Nikki, Shining Nikki and Another Eden. Apart from Another Eden, they’re all time-gated in some way or another, which means I can’t play them for very long every day. And Another Eden crashes without fail every ten minutes […]

Shining Nikki – Just another grindy gacha game

Shining Nikki, the sequel to Love Nikki, launched globally on July 5th 2021. I’ve been playing since day one and have only missed a few logins here and there. It’s fun in its own way, but like Love Nikki it isn’t really about fashion. Shining Nikki is more fashionable in effect because of changes to […]