Tales of the Tempest – Dull

Tales of the Tempest is one of those mediocre games I find it difficult to write about. This is my first real attempt at a Tales game (apart from a few hours of Tales of Symphonia long ago), so it’s not like I had any previous standards or super-high expectations. I just wanted to know what all the fuss was about.

After 9:07 hours of play, I still don’t know. I just got to Laymon city, for anyone who knows the game. The hero Caius is level 24, everyone else is 23 or 22. The game is so dull. So little has happened in all that time. The beginning was packed with events for the first hour or so, after that I’ve just been walking along through huge fields and forests and deserts fighting tons and tons of thieves and monsters. I reckon at least 6 of those 9 hours have been spent either fighting or walking.

The remaining 3 hours devoted to story progression have been disappointingly ho-hum. Caius’ adopted dad gets captured for being a Lycanth (beastman) and Rubia’s parents are killed by the same people, so they set out on a rescue/revenge adventure. Eventually they find out the always-evil Church is capturing Lycanth because they’re after special red stones, some of which Caius just happens to possess. So now they’re half looking for the truth, half on the run from the church. That’s how far I’ve gotten and if the story is going to pick up, now would be a good time to do so.

If the battle system wants to pick up, now would be a good time as well. In general I kind of like it, in that it’s simple enough even for someone like me to be able to play. I haven’t been Game Over’ed even once! It’s so easy, just mash A repeatedly, occasionally push B and a direction to unleash set attacks. Move back and use an item if your HP/TP gets low, otherwise bash away until enemies are dead. There are three lines of battle that you can move back and forth between, which lets you target different enemies or escape if you find yourself being ganged up on. There are also things like ultimate attacks and weapon-strengthening options, which I have been half-assing because I don’t really get them.

I think it’s a feature of Tales games in general that you can only control one person in battle. I remember Symphonia being like that, at least. In this game Caius does the most consistent damage so I stick with him. Your other party members are close to useless. Even if you have their AI set to “protect life” your healers will still heal you only when they feel like it. Meanwhile your attackers will hit the enemy a few times, then run to other side of the screen, then run back and hit them a few times, then run away again… none of which helps them stay alive longer or helps the battle to end faster. So I’d like the battle system to make my ally AI not so horrible and my healers not so stingy with their MP. I’m going to experiment with a few more strategy options and see if that helps any.

The encounter rate is pretty high, but there are items that can fix that. I’m just saving them for the final dungeon which is sure to suck, so I have only myself to blame for that.

All the other aspects of the game have been meh-to-bad so far. The music is ordinary, though I do like the opening theme. The characters are mostly inoffensive, but not particularly likeable. Caius and Rubia feel particularly childish, but this isn’t exactly a bad thing. Tilkis and Albert, why do you guys look so girly? As for Forest and Arria they were obviously thrown into the game because it needed more playable characters. They have no real reason for being there, but they don’t get on my nerves either, so they can stick around.

The bad guys are awful though. Albert “I am evil and ambitious”, Lucius “I am not-so-evil and conflicted,” Rommy “I am evil and crazy” and their minions make up the bulk of the serious enemies so far. They go down like pussies in battle though, I can’t believe they ever managed to kill anyone. Bunch of worthless sissies. Gotta hope their true motives will be revealed soon because I’m not impressed by what I’ve seen so far. The writers are not trying at all.

Graphics are the meh-est of the mehs. The fields are needlessly large and extremely bland, which is doubly painful when you realize your grandma moves faster than Caius even without her wheelchair. The trees and other natural features look unnatural. You can’t pass through any forests except one, you have to run around them. You can’t scale any ridges. All the towns have the exact same architecture, just slightly bigger or slightly smaller. Most townspeople have a sickly pink skin color that’s just disturbing. Faces lack detail, even for main characters. Limbs and bodies are blocky and pixelly. Colors aren’t exactly washed out, but they aren’t vibrant either. And so on, and so forth. Again, were they trying?

Tales of the Tempest is not a fun game, but it’s not hard to keep going either, so I guess I’ll keep going and see how it all ends. I remember reading somewhere that it’s pretty short, so maybe I’m about halfway through. This shouldn’t take too long if I keep at it. Wish me luck!

2 thoughts on “Tales of the Tempest – Dull

  1. Elli says:

    Oh God Please PLEASE don’t base your tales-experience on this game. I am HUGE into the tales fandom and we all know it as the worst game in the series. Some people don’t even consider it a legit “Tales” game 🙁 please don’t write tales of just yet

    • Kina says:

      Ah come on, it’s not that bad. It’s just not good either, that’s all. I’m not going to judge the whole series on one poor installment. And if this is the worst Tales has to offer, then the rest must be pretty good!

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