Remember when I said I quit Wizman’s World? I liiiiiieeed! But this time I’m telling the truth, I really am dropping it for good this time.
What made me go back for more punishment? Well, when I “quit” last time, I was literally right outside what I thought was the final boss’s door. I thought long and hard about it, and it really didn’t feel right to give up without even trying, so today I decided to go inside and get my ass kicked once and for all. You know, for “closure”.
So I went in. I fought the boss. Easiest boss fight of the game. Why? Because that’s not the final boss. Or rather it is the final boss, but not yet. After the fight, I was kindly informed that all the dungeons and guardians I had fought so far had been at less than optimum strength. I was then given the task of going back from the start and completing all five dungeons again from start to finish and beating all five bosses again, this time far stronger than before, before coming back to take on the final boss again. Talk about earning your happy ending.
If you think my response to being told this was to flip them the bird and walk out, you’re only half right. The truth is, I really really liked WiZman’s World. It’s not perfect by any means, but it’s simple and straightforward and doesn’t have any major problems. So even at that late point, I did at least try to do as I was told. I went back to the Forest dungeon, revived it (a tiresome process involving beating tons of low-level enemies using no-element magic), completed half of the newly revived dungeon and then it hit me that I was totally wasting my time.
To stop myself from crawling back to the game in a moment of weakness, I have deleted both the rom and my save file. I’m kind of regretting it now, because deep down in my soul I still want to play this game. It’s so much fun! And apart from the boss battles, it’s not that hard. It’s pretty relaxing, in fact. You can ditch a dungeon at any time, so just go in, explore, beat up some enemies, get new fusions, go home and fuse, come back and do it again… why did I delete those files? Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah… ;____;
But no, I’d been playing that game for almost a year. It’s time to move on. If I find I still can’t forget it after some time has passed, I’ll do the right thing and buy the game
. The prospect of shelling out cold, hard cash should quickly reveal how I really feel about the game.
In the meantime, I’m still playing Grand Knights History and Ragnarok Tactics. I’ve found 3 treasures (out of 13) in GKH and my party has hit level 21. The game’s getting tougher and tougher and consequently more fun, especially now I’ve obtained skills that let me start battles with 10 AP instead of 6. I’m also getting to explore more of the continent, though it’s all yellow-and-red wasteland as far as you go. In Ragnarok I think I’m a few steps away from the final battle on the Aura route. Depending on the carryovers I get for New Game+, I might try one more route after this.
I also plan to start another game from my resolutions list. I’m wavering between Wild Arms 2 and Shining Hearts. Let’s flip a coin… Wild Arms 2 it is.
Oh god, I know how you feel. I always feel that way as well when finally deciding to quit playing a game once and for all and deleting all the files.
I didn’t notice your gaming resolutions list before, but if you really can’t get into Disgaea, try Disgaea 2. I had the same problem with Disgaea, tried playing it 3 times and then I gave up on it. I didn’t expect to like 2, but gave it a try anyway and I liked it a lot! I also very much enjoyed La Pucelle Tactics (despite it’s horrible English dub) and Disgaea 2 reminded me somewhat of it. If you never played that one, you should try out the Japanese PSP port, which sadly never got localised. ;_;
I finished Ciel no Surge btw.. and I’m pretty sure you wouldn’t enjoy the game much. I’ll write a review later on. ;>
Aight, will be looking forward to reading your thoughts!
I gave up on La Pucelle long before I ever tried Disgaea, so if D2 is like that, it doesn’t bode well for the future. Come to think of it, I couldn’t get into Phantom Brave and Makai Kingdom either. I strongly suspect I’m not a good match for that series of games.